How to connect your channels (for Pentane Pro).
If you do not see a channel from the dropdown list, know that we are busy working on adding it so you can connect it with only a couple clicks of a button! Jump to instructions for:
1. Click on Manage APIs from the menu to the left
2. Click "Add New" to connect a channel API
3. Select your channel from the dropdown
4. Then select the corresponding API type
5. Next, click "Authenticate"
6. Once the channel has been Authenticated, repeat with other applicable channels
7. If you do not see a channel from the dropdown list, know that we are busy working on adding it so you can connect it with only a couple clicks of a button! For now, follow directions listed below.
Go here and add as a user with the following permissions:
Under Advertising, select “Campaign Manager” VIEW/EDIT
Performance VIEW
Settings VIEW
Big Commerce
Go here and add as a user with “System Admin" permissions (this is critical to automate new sales data into Pentane)
"High-Risk User" permission with "Create Store-level API Accounts" selected (this is critical to automate new sales data into Pentane)
Go here and click "Account Settings -> Manage Access -> Add User Loren Bell from Pentane as a user with “Account Manager" access (how-to video)
Go here -> Settings -> User management and add as a user with “Standard User” permissions (how-to video)
Go here, click "Partners" and add 1008736153945463590 as “Ad Account Admin” (how-to video)
Go here and add as a user with the Admin permissions (critical to automate invoiced sales data).